Power Leveling Package
Average wait for this activity is 2-4 hours
To reach instant 1960 Base Power complete the Legendary Final Shape Campaign here
- 1965+ Power Level
- Must have the activities available to complete
- Must have unlocked the Weekly Story Mission
(Finishing the Step 4. Convalescence: Greenery, part of the Destined Heroes quest after the Final Shape Campaign)
Reset Package - 10 Powerful Drops
Ritual Activities - 3 Powerful
(Boosters choice of Crucible, Gambit, or Vanguard activities)
Weekly Story Mission - 1 Powerful
8 Gunsmith Bounties -1 Powerful
200K Nightfall: - 1 Powerful
Dungeon Pack - 4 Powerful
(Warlord's Ruin - Full Normal)
(Weekly Dungeon - Boss Checkpoint for the powerful drop) -
Build Your Own
Select the options you would like to bundle to create your own.
The Trials of Osiris also grants a powerful drop for going flawless. Visit here for our Flawless options.
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Leveling Caps
Season 24 Power Caps
Floor: 1900
Soft Cap: 1940
Powerful Cap: 1990
Pinnacle Cap: 2000