Root of Nightmares Raid
Same Day Clears on orders before 10PM EST
Average wait for this service is 2-3 hours
- 1780+ Power Level
- Must have Lightfall DLC
- Normal
We complete the full raid and acquire the 2 Hidden Chests.
Grants 10 Spoils of Conquest per full run (5 from each chest)
2 Hidden Chest = Included
Use My Spoils: Select the desired item to receive at the end of the raid, the first raid will allow you to purchase a "RED" Deepsight Resonance Weapon. You must have first discovered that item. If this is your first run select any of the items you may want double drops of and we will repurchase it if it drops during the raid.
Final Boss Secret Chest: also grants one random "RED" Deepsight Resonance weapon. - Exotic Farming
Additional characters must be 1780+ Power Level
We complete the final boss checkpoint on another character for a chance at the raid exotic Conditional Finality.
This is a random drop and is not guaranteed
*Farming is completed once the exotic is acquired
Leave the 2nd desired character in special notes or team can choose their preferred class. - All 3 Characters
We will complete the full raid on all 3 characters
Includes the 2 Hidden Chests on each character for a total of 30 Spoils of Conquest.
Please allow up to 24 hours for all 3 character completions
You can continue playing on your account, we will notify you 10-15 minutes before logging in
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