Please book 12-24 hours ahead of desired time
If you are needing the beginning steps for Divinity please click here to visit that item.
- Must own DLC
- Must be 1100+
- Must book 12 - 24 Hours from desired start time
All orders are guaranteed completions. We will carry you to victory even if you can't seem to stay alive. Enjoy some fun in with the team, learn the strats, and treat yourself to more than just armor!
Leave your desired time in the special notes at checkout, our team will contact you shortly to schedule your session

Auto Rifle - Energy

Pulse Rifle - Kinetic

Hand Cannon - Energy

Combat Bow - Kinetic

Shotgun - Energy
Fusion Rifle - Energy

Sniper Rifle - Energy

Text or email us your order number for updates.
Please feel free to continue gaming we will always notify you 15-20 minutes before logging on